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Hope City Kids @ HOME M.A.p.

Kids Church is powerful, but it becomes significantly more life changing when it is reiterated at home. My desire is that your family would grow closer to Jesus, and encounter Him in powerful ways as you do these each week! 

We are in a series right now on God's Supernatural Kingdom.

When your child(ren) have completed all three of the components, scroll down and send in the form online. When they have done 10 weeks they will get to go into the treasure chest and choose a prize!

Each M.A.P. will be kept on for 4 weeks so try to get them all done before it gets taken off!

  • november 17th

    M. -Memorize: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,  but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

    A. -Action: Read Matthew 5:13-16. Just as Jesus is the light of the world, when we ask Him in our hearts, He is now in us and fills us with His light- we are now the light of the world to bring where ever we go. Talk about who Jesus is, and how when He is in us, we too are filled with all of that! It’s so amazing! When we know this it fills us with confidence! How can we shine our light to others? One way is to bring some food to add to the food bank that we are collecting in both Kids Church & Adult Church!

    P. -Prayer: Pray that they would be so aware of the presence of Jesus in them that they would be confident to shine His light where ever they are, and that God would give them pictures and creative ideas how to do that.

  • November 10th

    M. -Memorize: “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

    A. -Action: Read Matthew 13 and talk about what each soil that the seed was planted in represents and how they can make their hearts “good soil” and keep it soft. Ask God for a specific picture to stand out from this parable and draw it, beside write what it is that is significant about the picture.

    P. -Prayer: Pray for someone who does not know Jesus, pray that would come to Jesus and their hearts would be of “good soil’. Pray also for an opportunity to love them and share what God has done for you and what He is teaching you with them!

  • november 3rd

    M. -Memorize:  “…The One who lives in you is greater than the one who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4

    A. -Action: You will need: A plate with a bit of sides on it, water, pepper & soap (put a dot of dish soap on a plate).

    Pour water into the plate and shake pepper into the water. Talk about how the enemy wants to fill our minds with doubt, discouragement, fear, and lies. He wants us to think it’s ok to watch things of the darkness and be apart of things of the darkness but it isn’t just for fun, it opens a door for the enemy. Get them to touch their finger into the water. Nothing happens. In our strength and power we have no authority over the darkness. But when we have given our lives to God and Jesus lives in us, He has given us His authority over the darkness and He is so much greater than the enemy. (Link into memory verse). Then get them to touch their finger into the soap and into the pepper water. As they do the pepper will be pushed back. Talk about how they have the power in Jesus to push back the darkness, the lies, the doubt, the fear etc. They can speak, “In Jesus name leave.” And then they fill their mind with truth. That God loves them, He is for them, He is working and is greater than the darkness. They can sing a song in their mind that they’ve learnt from church. Every time they face a situation against darkness they can picture the pepper and the soap.

    P. -Prayer: Pray that they would have eyes to be able to discern what is of the darkness and the boldness to stand against it in the power of Jesus. Pray and ask God for a picture of what this would like for them.

  • october 27th

    M. -Memorize:  “So that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.” 2 Cor. 2:11

    A. -Action: This week we talked about how if a bird landed on your head you would not allow it to build a nest there. We can’t control the bird, but we can control how long it stays. Same with the doubts, lies, mean thoughts, worry, temptation, fear- they may come into our mind, but we can control how long they stay- we don’t want them to build a nest in our mind! Talk about the memory verse this week, find it in the Bible and discuss how they can be aware of the enemies evil schemes. How do you this as an adult do this? How have you learnt this? Share a story from your life with them. And throughout the week as things come up talk about how you can uproot the nest and not let it stay in their mind, and instead let God’s truth and peace rule in their hearts. What thoughts are filled with God’s peace and truth?

    P. -Prayer: Pray about these specific things that come into your mind and want to build “nests”. Bring them to Jesus and picture the “nest” of lies being destroyed, and a “nest” of truth being built in your mind.

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