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Hope City Kids @ HOME M.A.p.

Kids Church is powerful, but it becomes significantly more life changing when it is reiterated at home. My desire is that your family would grow closer to Jesus, and encounter Him in powerful ways as you do these each week! 

We are in a series right now on the Kingdom of God.

When your child(ren) have completed all three of the components you can either scroll down and send in the form online, or bring in the QR code card with their name(s), your signature, and the date that they completed. When they have done 10 weeks they will get to go into the treasure chest and choose a prize!

Each M.A.P. will be kept on for 4 weeks so try to get them all done before it gets taken off!

  • July 21st

    M.-Memorize: “so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11

    A. -Action: Continuing on last week’s we are learning about our opponent so we know how to fight. This week’s action is to play a family game, board game, card game, outside sport game, whatever your family chooses. Discuss what an opponent is and how it’s helpful to know how they play to win. For example, in sports games the coach studies the other team to see what the other team’s tactics are so they are prepared and can come against it. Satan is our opponent and it’s important that we recognize that he wants to get us to believe his lies, make us fearful, worried, disobey our parents, be mean to others. When we recognize his schemes, we then can come against it in the right way. We are carriers of the light when we have Jesus, Christ is IN us. We have his wisdom, his love, his power to crush the enemies schemes and stand in victory. Discuss how they can put that into action this week, just like a team draws out their plan, get them to draw out their plan when those attacks come at them.

    P. -Prayer: Pray that they would have wisdom and discernment to know Satan’s schemes and strength to carry out the plan they drew/wrote out when the attacks come.

  • july 14th

    M.-Memorize: You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

    A. -Action: This week we are focusing on learning that Satan is the father of lies and to be wise and discerning. Play a game of 2 truths and a lie with your family. Say two things that are true and one that is not. Can be things you’ve done or random facts. The other people have to figure out what the lie would be. This is a fun way to share random facts with your kids about you and things you’ve done! (For example, I’ve skydived, parasailed, and ziplined- the first one is the lie) Afterwards discuss how this is what we have to do every day, discerning lies from truth, the enemy makes lies look good, but really they are not. Read the story in Genesis 2:4-3:24 and see how the serpent does this to Eve. 

    P. -Prayer: Pray for wisdom that they would know clearly when something is not true, and boldness to silence it in Jesus name. 

  • july 7th

    M. -Memorize:  “He calls us out of the darkness and into His marvelous Light.” 1 Peter 2:9

    A. -Action: We are learning how God wanted to expand His Kingdom from heaven to earth. He didn’t want to do that through mountains or stars but through people! So He made Adam & Eve. They were filled with God’s light but when they choose to disobey God they lost that light. It was like when they disobeyed God they handed the keys of the Kingdom over to Satan. Jesus wanted a relationship with us and had a plan, through Jesus dying on the cross He took back the keys to the Kingdom. And when we give our lives to see and trust in Him He puts His light in us! We are filled with His power, peace, love, joy, courage etc. Every day the enemy wants us to listen to Him and not Jesus. Satan wants us to “hand over the keys” and choose things that are not God’s greatest. But God wants to fill us abundantly with His light, choosing trust and faith when we are fearful, or love when we are angry. He wants us to recognize His voice. Talk about what this looks like in their everyday lives and how God calls them into His light of salvation but also in His light everyday. By being aware of His presence and sharing that. Get them to draw or write something that represents this and put it somewhere as a reminder.

    P. -Prayer: Pray about listening to the voice of God and choosing to walk in everything He has given us. Pray for a picture from God to teach you about this and think about it through out the week.

  • june 30th

    M. -Memorize: “The Lord is my light and my salvation- so why should I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

    A. -Action: We are learning that when we surrender our lives to Jesus and have a relationship with Him, we are carriers of His light. Get them to draw a picture of what this would look like to them. Chat about ways they can bring God’s light wherever they go.

    P. -Prayer: Pray that they would be ever aware of the light that is inside of them, and that everyday they would have eyes and ears open to respond to Jesus in bringing that light to those around them. Also, when fear comes in pray the memory verse, and declare truth.

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