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Hope City Kids @ HOME M.A.p.

Kids Church is powerful, but it becomes significantly more life changing when it is reiterated at home. My desire is that your family would grow closer to Jesus, and encounter Him in powerful ways as you do these each week! 

We are in a series right now called, "Our Amazing God".

When your child(ren) have completed all three of the components, scroll down and send in the form online. When they have done 10 weeks they will get to go into the treasure chest and choose a prize!

Each M.A.P. will be kept on for 4 weeks so try to get them all done before it gets taken off!

  • January 19th

    Catch Up Week!

    Use this week to work on one you haven't done yet.

  • january 12th

    M. -Memorize: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Prov.3:5-6 (extension of a verse memorized previously)

    A. -Action: This week the focus is on the goodness of God. Read Duet. 8:11-18 and see how God was calling the Israelites to remember what He had done for them. The enemy wants us to forget and doubt God's love, causing worry and fear or anger and complaining. It is so powerful to focus on how good God is and His heart towards us. Recall last weeks verse, memorize the verse this week, and talk about ways God has worked in your family’s life, in your parents’ life, and in your life. Talk about the character of God and how that is important to be convinced of so we can trust Him fully.

    P. -Prayer: Pray that as you focus on God’s goodness it would cause a deeper trust and surrender in your relationship with Jesus.

  • january 5th

    M. -Memorize: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34

    A. -Action: You will need: A clear cup, baking soda, red dye, and vinegar

    Mix the vinegar and red dye first, then add it the clear cup that has the baking soda in it.

    The more we know God’s love- the more it bubbles inside of us and transforms us, just like this bubbles up when we put these two together! When we trust Jesus and let His love change us, it bubbles up inside of us! We have to believe Him and trust how much we are loved. Just because someone is so loved doesn’t change anything, it’s when they believe it when it changes things.

    We can be so loved by God but if we don’t see it, we don’t live in the power of it. How we view things is crucial! There are even lots of adults that have heard about it but all it is a mind knowing- they don’t let His love change their lives.  Challenge: Every day this week think about how much God loves you, ask God for a picture about the depth of God’s love for you. It is stronger than the lies of the enemy, worry or fear. Read 1 John 4:18 & Eph. 3:14-20 in the passion translation.

    When you feel afraid in the dark or sad, think about God wrapping His arms around you and saying,”I am with you, I love you”. Picture His love going into your whole body like a special gold liquid, filling you with power and peace!

    P. -Prayer: Pray that you would have your eyes opened to how much God loves you this week!

  • december 15th-29th

    M. -Memorize: “She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us'.” Matt. 1:23

    A. -Action: Read the Bible story and each time you do pick a different part of the Christmas story to focus on. One time on Mary, one time on the shepherds, one time on the angels, one time on Jesus etc. Discuss the significance of each, and what you can learn from it. Then journal (draw/ & write about it.) Maybe even make one of them into a craft to give to someone.

    P. -Prayer: Pray that the Christmas story would be much more than the just a story and would deeply affect your heart, that you would learn more about God’s character through it and fall in love with Him more, resulting in greater trust and peace.

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